Registro de una experiencia inmersiva en la selva. Compartiendo un viaje sonoro y visual con proyecciones sobre las imponentes estalactitas y estalagmitas de una cueva a 30 minutos de Tulum. Este espacio es parte de Naum, una villa de retiro cuya premisa principal es el cuidado y conservación del entorno natural. Aquí elegimos celebrar este nuevo comienzo de Realm, un proyecto en colaboración entre Zarah Aedma (voz), Matias García Favre (música) e Ignacio Bruno (arte visual).
An immersive experience in the jungle. Sharing an audiovisual journey with projections on the imposing stalactites and stalagmites of a cave 30 minutes from Tulum. This natural sanctuary is part of Naum, a unique space whose main premise is the care and conservation of the natural environment. Here we celebrate this new beginning of Realm, a collaborative project between Zarah Aedma (voice), Matias García Favre (music) and Ignacio Bruno (visual art).
An immersive experience in the jungle. Sharing an audiovisual journey with projections on the imposing stalactites and stalagmites of a cave 30 minutes from Tulum. This natural sanctuary is part of Naum, a unique space whose main premise is the care and conservation of the natural environment. Here we celebrate this new beginning of Realm, a collaborative project between Zarah Aedma (voice), Matias García Favre (music) and Ignacio Bruno (visual art).
Realizado el 22 de diciembre de 2023.
Registro Don Toledo